The new Hell record finally got pressed to vinyl, the new Mount Eerie record landed, and I had a good time mixing a speech from the founder of transcendental meditation with a Sikh morning prayer and the drone of Yoshi Wada’s homemade bagpipe.

Air date: March 28, 2018

Background music: Russell Haswell – Nutrino Hunter (from 37 Minute Workout)

00:00:00 Winifred Smith – Eggs And Marrowbone (from Folk Songs Of The South)
00:02:56 Talk break
00:06:26 Sandy Bull – Electric Blend (from E Pluribus Unum)
00:28:07 Triumvir Foul – Hedonistic Prayer – The Abhorrent Depths Of Perversion (from Triumvir Foul)
00:32:07 Talk break
00:35:08 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – Side B (excerpt) (from The Seven States Of Consciousness)
00:36:26 Bhai Tarlochan Singh Ragi – Japji Sahib (from Japji And Raehraas)
00:39:06 Yoshi Wada – Bagpipe (excerpt) (from The Lament For The Rise And Fall Of The Elephantine Crocodile)
01:01:30 Talk break
01:04:59 Mount Eerie – Now Only (from Now Only)
01:10:47 Hell – Helmzmen (Hell)
01:20:17 Neuter River – Untitled (B4 & B5) (from Neuter River)
01:29:02 Talk break
01:32:10 Essa Kassimi – Rag Bairami (from Le Luth Afghan)
01:35:00 William C. Kuzell – Side B (from Osteoporosis: The Most Prevalent Bone Disease)
01:54:43 Washington Phillips – What Are They Doing In Heaven Today? (from Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams)
01:57:58 Talk break
01:59:34 Jean & Lee Schilling – Good Friday (from Porches Of The Poor)

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2 comments on “Episode 56

  1. Martin Apr 12, 2018

    Hi Justin,

    Took a small break from A Thick Mist and returned again. Noticing on this broadcast that there is some very strange phase shift on the whole podcast, making most sounds coming from a diffuse spot out side the left speaker. Is this done on purpose?


  2. antigravitybunny Apr 17, 2018

    Hey Martin, that’s definitely not intentional. I just downloaded the mp3 from the link above and gave it a listen. It sounds ok to me. I also checked out the waveform which looks normal.

    I’m not sure where the problem is being introduced. Are there any other details you can share? Is it just this episode or is it other ones too?

    I will say the turntables at the radio station are a bit out of whack, which could be the source of the problem. Does it also happen during the talk breaks?