The Swamp – Universe And Beyond
The Swamp is a side project of the dude from Skogar, Johannes Brander, with his pal Marcus Herz. Together they make some moody synth/guitar ambient psych jams that, surprise surprise, sounds like Skogar fell in a dank swamp. And since it’s a well known fact that swamps + Skogar = total awesomeness, their new tape Universe & Beyond! on Native Parts was a winner before you even hit play.
It’s a strange, foreign landscape that these sounds are coming from. This tape buy cialis black 800mg conjures haunted Plutonian swamp gas and spins it into an atmospheric noise, usually catching itself in semi-kraut grooves or pop numbers from the crypt. It’s some seriously weird experimental improv shit that instantly transports you to the murky dregs on the other side of the galaxy.
Universe & Beyond! is soaked in the lo-fi warble hiss of cassette, smearing a hazy glow over already warped flavors. Get into it and see for yourself why it’s got an insert with Mickey, Donald, & Goofy getting fucked up.