Bunny’s A Swine – Song Ten (TinyRadars)
A trio from western Mass that, because of how shitty I am at writing about “regular” music, pretty much did my job for me. Self described “awk-pop slops-rock.” I kinda can’t believe they summed up their whole sound with just those two hyphened phrases. So why am I still writing about a band I’m not even going to bother trying to describe? Because they’re just that awesome. You know this genre is outside of my blinders, so the fact that I’m making an effort to make sure you know about them should tell you something. These guys are the shit. They nail the garage pop/alt country thing down to a T without the whole order cialis online reviews lo-fi scuzz people rely on nowadays. They’ve got killer hooks and momentary explosions of frenzy, but the heart of the beast is in their boy/girl vocals. The dude is a madman, squawking and moaning like he’s being tortured, flopping all over the place, and the girl is sweet as can be, beautiful and smooth. Instead of creating deluxe seamless harmonies, they’re balancing out both ends of the spectrum. It’s all about contrast and it works fucking perfectly. They sound incredible together. You’d be doing yourself a great disservice by skipping over them. Also, part disclaimer/part brag, my pal Justin Durand is the one that did the artwork up there. Seriously one of the most talented guys I know.
Bunny’s A Swine – All Day, Alright (TinyRadars, 2011)
January 13, 2012- Categories: Album Reviews